Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New Thoughts!

After what seems to be a while, I am keen to revisit the game in order to simplify the structure to make it into a more educational program. So, thinking six formers studying economics, business studies and, of course, mathematicians. Team Outline. Market Maker (MM)- No change there 2x Locals (PL)- No change, but make sure it is the noisiest or the most confident 2x Hedge Fund Mangers (HF)- In this scenario two teachers. 4x Brokers - No investment bankers now, each team has three members - a trader in the pit (PT), a clerk (BC) and a sales-trader (ST). The big change is the makeup of the pit which is now seven, so hopefully more noisy and not completely dependent on the MM creating the noise. The Roles within the Broker is described as follows:- ST - negotiates prices and levels with each of the HF clients in size of a minimum of 50 and executes bilaterally with the HF but with nobody else. The ST needs to know from the BC what position they are running and change the quote to the HF to reflect the axe. The ST is also responsible for the settlement of the trade and telling the BC of a position change. BC - keeps track of the overall position, issues orders to the PT to execute for the broker. The BC also takes whatever trades the PT has completed and settles them. The BC can advise (hopefully with hand signals) the ST on the market level in the pit and overall position. The BC cannot enter the pit. PT - stands in the pit and execute trades that fill the order from the BC hopefully. Executes with other pit members, so other traders, the MM and PL. The PT can trade in anticipation of an order. The PT does not leave the pit so hands the completed tickets to the BC. PL - locals trade on their own account and are not obliged to makes a two-way market, only the MM has to do that. Given there are six rounds and three roles, the idea would be to rotate the members in the Broker after two and four rounds.