Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome to Bar Bill Trading

Bar Bill Trading is a simple game that simulates the functions in the financial markets. The key to the game are:-

1) Trade a contract for difference - make prices, trade, settle and closeout. This may seem simple but believe me not everyone finds it easy

2) Execute trading and pricing strategies based on asymetric information. Each of the participants has different proprietary informtion, different functions and hence different incentives

3) Trade contracts to make money, or to avoid heavy losses

The purpose of the blog is to introduce the game to current and future users, provide resources and to open up the blog to users in order to enhance the rules and structure of the game. There will also be a number of numerical analysis either done using Excel or Mathematica.

The game has gone through a couple of iterations and had a successful v 3.0 outing so I am now comfortable that we have the basics in place. As mentioned, there is always room for improvement so open feedback and dialogue will be welcome.

Thank you for taking an interest and best of luck. Who knows we might develop this into a league!

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